"Describing Greg Byron as a 'Spoken Word' performer, or even 'Poet' is like calling Bill Bailey "a musician who tells jokes" or Winston Churchill as "a politician who smokes" - not technically incorrect but it doesn't tell you the whole, and far more interesting' story. It's like watching John Cooper Clarke snog John Hegley while Pam Ayres watches..."
BBC Radio
My collection of poems called IF YOU'RE NOT ANGRY ARE YOU AWAKE? is available from Amazon:
And now you can also get a second collection - STANDUP POET featuring verses from the latest shows - in particular Edinburgh and Adelaide festivals...
#StandUpPoet: Amazon.co.uk: Byron, Greg: 9781677261598: Books
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So here is where I live - virtually - there are reviews and videos of poems, on their own page (see above) and I write a mix of wordage driven by social commentary, or themes, or just thoughts that need expression. Some are serious, or sardonic - and others are thoughtful, poignant or comic. It's the variety that makes for a good show, and I'm the first to say that SPOKEN WORD is exactly that: words that are spoken. I think my poems are better heard than read:
The first full-length show was called: WORDSHOW
It was a look at all sorts of things - my 55-word prose 'word sketches', character portraits, science, ignorance, the quest for knowledge, the current state of the world around us, confusions and cruelties...